Industrial Engineering Home

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  • Watching videos on the subject helps you understand the true nature of the major
  • Viewing student work helps you see the quality and complexity of what you’ll study
  • Videos allow you to see facilities, and resources of schools that teach the major

More About Industrial Engineering

"Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways for an organization to use the basic factors of production - people, machines, materials, information, and energy - to make or process a product or produce a service. They are the bridge between management goals and operational performance. They are more concerned with increasing productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties, who generally work more with products or processes."
(Provided By: The University of Houston)

"So what do IEs do? In very simple terms, while engineers typically make things, IEs figure out how to make or do things better. This is what gives IEs so much flexibility - as you can imagine, everyone would like to do things better! IEs are primarily concerned with two closely related issues: productivity and quality. They address these two issues by looking at integrated systems of machines, human beings, information, computers, and other resources."
(Provided By: The University of Pittsburgh)

"The factor that most distinguishes ISyE from other engineering disciplines is the attention devoted to human involvement in the systems being analyzed. Industrial and systems engineers focus on the big picture, and how all of the moving parts can best fit together."
(Provided By: The University of San Diego)

"The Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in industrial and systems engineering (ISE) program at Stevens prepares you with cross-disciplinary, "big picture" systems perspectives and knowledge to engineer, develop and maintain complex systems in multiple industries including manufacturing, aerospace, healthcare, transportation, energy, finance, entertainment, service and more." 
(Provided By: Stevens Institute of Technology)

"The methodologies involved in IE are probability, optimization, economic decision analysis, statistics and computer science. The important application domains are supply chain systems, manufacturing, quality control, economic and financial systems, energy systems, healthcare systems, and many others."
(Provided By: Georgia Tech University)

"As an industrial engineer, you might design and implement better ways of doing things or making things. You might find ways to improve the value or profit of goods that we use every day. You also could oversee project management, devise improvements to manufacturing plants and factories, or harness the power of data to imaging the next generation of processes."
(Provided By: The University of Illinois-Chicago)

Manufacturing engineering technology is responsible for the production of a variety of consumer and industrial goods from Boeing new 777x planes to designer jeans to dialysis machines. Through the use of computer aided equipment and other planning tools to assess manufacturing processes, a manufacturing engineering technologist is on the lookout for ways to reduce cost, increase productivity, innovate equipment, and improve quality for a variety of consumer and industrial goods. 
(Provided By: Oregon Institute of Technology)